Creo 8.0 – The Leading 3D CAD Software in the Industry
Creo 8.0 helps you significantly accelerate product
innovation,optimize designs, and replace assumptions
with facts. How? It offers groundbreaking advances in:
Generative Design
Real-Time Simulation
Multibody Design
Additive Manufacturing
Usability & Productivity Enhancements
Productivity enhancements in Creo 8.0 include:
Model tree enhancements (quilts, custom groups, sideby-side tree)
Snapshot features enable historical review
Hole feature improvements
Create multiple flat walls in sheet metal to a common definition
Easier component management of purchased parts.
Render Studio offers the option to leverage supported GPUs
Generative Design
Generative Design in Creo allows engineers to rapidly
generate high quality manufacturable geometry in the fraction
of the time it would take traditional toolsand processes.
Generative Topology Optimization (GTO):
​ GTO replaces traditional decisions with design criteria and objectives allowing engineers to design right the first time
Simulation Driven Design
Creo real-time simulation gives your designers and engineers the ability to analyze and validate the performance of your 3D virtual prototypes before they produce the first part.
Creo Simulation Live:
Creo Simulation Live guides engineers in real-time as they design.
Creo ANSYS Simulation:
Creo ANSYS Simulation is a high-fidelity tool that provides validation.
MBD & Detailing
• Streamline workflows to reduce time, errors, and cost,
while you improve quality across the enterprise
• Symbol modernization, including streamlined workflows,
semantic definitions and symbol gallery.
• GD&T Advisor support for assemblies and improved
workflows for dimension creation.
• Advanced surface collection capabilities for standalone
• Enhanced detailing capabilities, with new sketching
tools to convey design intent more easily.
Additive Manufacturing
Creo 8.0 is offering broader Additive Manufacturing capabilities
in Stochastic Lattices helping to resolve issues with weight, strength, efficiency, and much more.