Featuring easy-to-use design tools and the ability to create highly accurate, dependable toolpaths; Carveco Maker is a great, affordable option to pair with your new CNC router or engraver.
Why Carveco?
Carveco Maker’s simple yet powerful design and make features guide you through the entire process, from conceptual sketch to finished design. It’s the perfect introduction for woodworkers, sign-makers or makers looking to produce artistic, personalised products on their own CNC hardware.
If your business relies on ArtCAM’s many powerful design and manufacturing tools, using Carveco™ software is your next, fully-supported step.
Carveco Maker Features

Identify Problem Vectors
The Vector Doctor helps you identify
any potential problems with your vector artwork before you try to machine it.

Smooth out rough relief artwork
Run smoothing passes over low-quality relief artwork to remove imperfections

Relief From Greyscale
Carveco maker lets you create 3D relief models from imported Greyscale artwork.

Automatically Generate Vectors
Automatically create machinable vectors from imported non-vector images with the Bitmap to Vector tool.

Invert relief artwork
Easily invert relief models to produce Male and Female parts or simple molds.

Total Vector Control
From Vector Clipping, to effortless Offsets and Fillets – have total control over your vectors with powerful editing features.

Over 600 plus 3D model reliefs included Free Of Charge !!
Machining Strategies

Bevel Carving
Also known as ‘Prismatic Lettering’, Maker’s Bevel Carving feature allows you create proud-standing letters or features on your design.

Quickly cut-out your design using profile cuts. Add bridges (breakout tabs), control the depth of your cut with ramped lead moves and profile allowances.

Fluting allows you to precisely control ramping moves for gradually deeper material cuts. Perfect for creating channels or cool material effects
Relief Machining

V-Bit Carving
Fast, efficient toolpaths for V-carved designs are easy to create within Carveco® Maker. Preview your design within the simulation before machining, limit the tool depth and add a roughing tool to avoid tool wear on your expensive V-bits.

Carveco® Maker includes inbuilt support for drilling toolpaths with options for Peck drilling denser materials to avoid clogging up your bits.
Machine 3D artwork with Spiral or Raster 3D machining strategies with the option to use a selected vector as a boundary.

Make allows you to create Laser toolpaths with adjustable controls for slices and angles.

Create perfectly inlaid parts with easily adjustable allowances (without needing to offset the vectors) and auto-calculated corner radius.